Little bun slept so well last night. Both Tim and I got lots of sleep and we feel a lot of energy today. It helped that Gramma Rachel recommended feeding every fours hours at night and more frequently during the day.
I saw a little smile today from Aoife, but it was probably just gas. Still it was beautiful to see those muscles getting their exercise. Tim and I love our life right now. No T.V., eating meals together and appreciating our little creation.
Today, I took my first shower since I labored and it made me feel a little sad, but I have to move on as she does becoming her own little person. I decided that I wanted to wear her today in her moby wrap, so we wrapped her up and took her for a walk in the park. It felt so good to have her close to me like that again. It brought back the comfort of being pregnant again. Tim and I ate some nuts and oranges. We talked about how happy we were that little bun was healthy.

In the evening we had three sets of visitors. Dorrie, Dave, and Ansel came first. Dorrie held Aoife for a long time as they reminisced about baby Ansel. Then, Dave held her. You can tell that they both loved having children and they will make great grandparents some day. I fed Aoife and then we passed her off to Ansel. She "shot the "wall?" (Kentucky coal miners term) Ansel was a little disturbed. After Dorrie and Dave came, Linda, Kristina and Mike came with pizza and coke. They had fun examining different parts of her body. The belly button stump was the most interesting to them. I also brought out my placenta for them to look at. It was my first time seeing it since I gave birth to it. We need to bury it somewhere special. Finally, Katie and her boyfriend Michael came to drop off the tent we lent them.