Aoife had a difficult time sleeping last night. She seemed to have bad gas because she was twisting and turning, grunting and squeaking, but no crying. Such a strong brave little sparrow. Tim and Gramma went to Urban ore today to find some furniture that we would like in the living room. They also went to goodwill and picked up some books for Aoifers. Tim and Gramma are going to refinish little buns high chair. So Tim took apart all the hinges and soaked them in lemon and salt to get rid of the rust. Gramma sanded and put a layer of Tung oil on. I guess it needs many many coats of that stuff. It'll look pretty nice when it is done. Gramma is crocheting some cute little toys out of wool that she spun and dyed from her own sheep.
First blog post
8 years ago
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