Aoife's belly button is completely healed! It's a cute little smiley one.
Today, we went to the baby fair. We got a car with city car share and drove there. Aoife was fussy in the morning so we couldn't make it for the classes that I wanted to go to. The fair was pretty small and it catered mostly to pregnant women which was really disappointing. There were a lot of really cool booths for things. One interesting booth was about a midwifery center that opened up for the Mayans in Guatemala. Gramma Rachel was telling me a story here about a clinic that she worked at in Costa Rica when she was a new nurse. She was telling me of a mountain woman from a small village who came to their clinic with a very sick newborn. The cord was infected and the woman had used coffee grinds to try to heal it. They could do nothing for the newborn and sent her the closest hospital which was far away, and the baby died. I think it is wonderful that a new clinic for pregnant women is opening in these remote areas because there is such a high infant mortality rate in developing countries. Here is the website for the center: Clinicas Maya
Our childbirth instructor Janaki Costello was at the fair, and she gave us a big hug and was admiring little Aoife. She asked us to go to her class tomorrow to tell her new pregnant class our birth story. She is also a lactation consultant and will check out what's going on with feeding on the right side. It was so nice to see her again; I really miss her great class. So, tomorrow will be very exciting!
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