Gramma Rachel left for Wisconsin very early this morning. I woke up with little bun around 9am and then didn't know what to do with her. This was special Gramma time while I got ready for the day. Tim stuck around for a few minutes so that I could eat my breakfast then he went off to work. So we talked and sang, ate, cried, ate, cried, sang, cuddled, and slept. I quickly ran to the bathroom and got myself ready for the day. She woke up and we continued the tiger bun experience. I quickly made myself some lunch..very quickly. Good heavens, Gramma really kept me sane. Aoife was a tiger most of the day, but quietened down by evening, but acted up again at night.
I emailed Janaki today to set up a consultation with her. It almost feels like Aoife has forgotten how to suck properly or something, I'm not sure.
One of Tim's friends came by to visit Aoife. It was very welcomed because she brought us some food: enchiladas. Yummy!!!
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