The weather is pretty cold here in the mornings. It is now summer time so that means that the fog rolls into the bay in the morning and sticks around until the sun burns it off; it is then very hot. It's very hard to plan your day with weather like that. Aoife and I went to our baby yoga again today. Again the babies and mama's did dome poses which Aoife seemed to like. There was no electricity at the yoga studio today which meant that we didn't get to listen to music, but the women were still going around beating the deep sounding drums. I think Aoife was a little scared at first of the drums, but after a while, she began to like them. I was happy that she stayed calm so that we could do the baby massage. They gave me some coconut oil; I took off her clothes and diaper and I rubbed her whole torso down. Next, we rubbed down the right leg in a twisting motion. Then, we rotated the joints and rubbed down the leg again. We then did the same to the other leg. After that, we did bicycle legs to the waist and then pushed the legs up to the head. Then we rubbed their bottoms! We did more torso rubbing's targeting different organs. After, we turned them over on their belly and rubbed down the back. Finally, the babies got dangled in the air by their feet. I wasn't comfortable doing that, so I just put her upside down on my legs. It was so much fun, and Aoife was smiling the whole time...she LOVED it! I think I'm going to start doing this at home; it was fun for me too. Aoife was fussy after I dressed and fed her, so one of the helpers took her for me. I was able to finish off doing the rest of the yoga while Aoife slept on a bed of pillows. I felt bad waking her up to go home, but she fell asleep in her sling again, and I put her down when we got home. What a successful day indeed!
First blog post
8 years ago
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