Aoife and I had a scary day. I was sitting in our bedroom feeding her when I casually looked up at the ceiling. What did I see....a spider. Ordinarily spiders do not bother me at all, but this one was thick and black. Last weekend at Dorrie's house, Dave was telling us that black widow spiders exist in our area...very scary. I just about had a heart attack. I watched it for a little while, and it was crawling towards us then suddenly it dropped.....but only a few inches. It made its way back up and crawled faster. I screamed and took Aoife out of the room. She got scared because I was scared. I grabbed the raid and went at him. He died and I was relieved. Later, Tim and I researched it and found out it wasn't a black widow. I felt bad, but I couldn't reach him to catch him in a jar, and honestly if I didn't get rid of him the way I did, I would not have been able to sleep in that room anymore.
Later that night we decided to take Aoife out in her stroller today, and we found it to be a torturous disaster. She really doesn't like it at all. We're going to have to use it when she gets older and when she's too heavy to carry around.
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