Traveling with Aoife was not as bad as I had imagined. We left pretty early in the morning without too much trouble, and took the BART to SFO. She slept the whole way there, and even though we left early enough, we just made it to the gate in time to board. The plane was packed with people, and we were seated toward the back by the toilets. Aoife slept on the take off, but soon awoke before drinks were being served. It didn't take too long to get her fed, changed and settled into a sleep again. Then, she slept for the rest of the flight. We managed to watch an episode of House M.D. I got very excited as we arrived to Minneapolis airport. We called Gramma Rachel when we arrived, and she told us that she'd be arriving shortly. We were waling to baggage claim when Gramma jumped out at us and scared the living daylights out of me; it was so funny. She was way too excited to see Aoife and had come early. We drove the three hours home. Aoife got a bit more fussy towards the end of the trip, but when we got home she collapsed into a sleep as much as we did.
First blog post
8 years ago
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