We took our time getting to the airport in Minneapolis today because our flight wasn't until 7p.m. I packed our bags, and Tim repacked them again; then we headed off. Aoife was a little bit more fussy this time, and we had to stop a few times to change her diaper and feed her. She got pretty fussy when we got to Pepin, WI, so we stopped for a while. I took Aoife out, but it took her a while to quieten down. We decided to take a look at the museum in Pepin that was dedicated to Laura Ingles Wilder, the woman who wrote "The Little House on the Prairie". It was interesting to see the old artifacts. They had a replica of a river boat and Gramma Rachel climbed the stairs and had fun being captain at the steering wheel. We went into another museum, but Aoife got fussy, so I left. We decided to continue our journey even though Aoife wasn't very happy. Gramma and I took turns vibrating the car car seat so that Aoife could sleep. We made it to St. Paul where we went to a tea shop that Grampa Steve likes. We had some iced tea and Steve bought some teas that were on sale. We were shocked at how late it was, so we quickly went to Ch
First blog post
8 years ago
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