I had a very hard time with Aoife last night. She kept waking up crying and had a hard time getting back to sleep. I think she is still having problems from that oral medicine they gave her. I think it really upset her stomach. Still, I was able to wake up and make Daddy a special breakfast. I put Aoife in her swing so that she could watch me in the kitchen. She really enjoyed watching and didn't put up a fuss. I made buttermilk blueberry pancakes. They turned out really well. I went downstairs a
We were relaxing having a cup of tea when we heard the door bell. It was great-aunt Dorrie back from church. Aoife was sleeping so we showed her pictures of our trip while we drank our tea. Aoife woke up when we were finished and was happy to see Dorrie. I think she recognized her. Dorrie said t
Tim had a softball game today; the first one of the summer season. While he was gone I baked a custard fruit tart. When he came home, he was very surprised, but not all that much since it was hard for me to hide the ingredients from him. It turned out okay. The custard had little lumps in it but you couldn't really tell. I think I cooked it too hot too fast. We ate it with a glass of white wine. It was delich!
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