Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm 4 months old!

Look how big Aoife has gotten! Aoife is only a couple days old in the left picture. She is so tiny in her co-sleeper. It's truly amazing how big she is and how much of a personality she has already! Aoife is starting to make a lot of different noises now. She is razzing. She does this after she wakes up. She is also screaming very loud while she clenches her fists; it so cute to see her get excited about making these new noises. She is also starting to hold her self up by her arms when she sits; only for a second or so. I've also started laying her her in her belly more so that she can build strength in her back and neck. She likes to lay on one of Tim's baby blankets(pictured below) and feel the little wool bits. She's not a huge fan of laying on her belly, but she does get a kick out of looking at herself in the mirror. I read somewhere that a lot of babies go straight from sitting to walking without crawling. The article attributed it to the fact that parents are no longer laying their babies on their bellies because of the advice to lay babies on their backs to avoid SIDS.

Tues-I wanted to see if Aoife would make it to Berkeley Bowl without putting up a fuss. I used the moby wrap and kept her chest to chest with me. It worked. I think facing her out like a kangaroo keeps her from feeling safe. So, now we'll go back to using the moby wrap again which is actually a lot more comfortable now because she is bigger. The sling also started to hurt my shoulder, and it hurt my back a lot.

Wed- I came home to a calm and content Aoife who had spent the whole morning with her Aunt Dorrie. Dorrie brought over a mother goose nursery rhyme book which she had read to Aoife. Dorrie said that Aoife enjoyed it when Dorrie pointed to the pictures in the book. Dorrie had woken up at 3am that morning to bake a chocolate cake for Dave's birthday and had kept a couple slices for Tim and I; it was delicious. Dorrie is very gentle with Aoife. She sings songs to her, and she plays little finger games. We're so lucky to have Dorrie look after her.

Papa shaved his whiskers off; I think Aoife likes it better. On Saturday, I went to a garage sale and bought a little swim suit diaper for Aoife to take her swimming when she is 6 months old. I also got her a carrier for hiking. It's a very light metal frame one with a stand so that she can use it to sit in too. Hopefully, we can go hiking again when we have the time and energy. Tim and I had a tough week last week. This new schedule is killing us. Tim is not able to work effectively at night, and his boss is wondering when he'll be able to work daytime hours. I am becoming more and more drained as the weeks go on, and my ambition to teach is almost nonexistent. It's very bad for Aoife to have two exhausted parents, so we really need to change to a schedule where we are both energetic enough to be interactive parents. We've been looking at options for Aoife so that Tim can work during the day, and the best Tim has found are family daycares. I'm extremely uncomfortable with leaving Aoife so young in someone else's hands, so I'm thinking about quitting my job until she's older. I'm hoping to find a situation where another mom would want me to come to her home to care of her little baby (hopefully around Aoife's age) a few days a week. We'll see how it works out.

We've started to use the G-diapers that we ordered off of the internet. G-diapers are completely flushable and good for the environment. They are pretty easy to use. The only problem is that the liners get stained with poop easily, but they can be washed.

"For the last 40 years there have been but two choices in diapers. Cloth or disposable. That’s it. Now gDiapers offers a third option. Flushable. gDiapers puts waste where it belongs, in the toilet. Not the landfill.

gDiapers have no elemental chlorine, no perfumes, no smell, no garbage and no guilt. In fact, flushables are so gentle on the Earth you can even garden compost the wet ones in one compost cycle, approximately 50 – 150 days. Just think of the standing ovation you’ll get from the planet."

Today, Tim and I went to the Thai temple for some brunch and then Berkeley Bowl for some ingredients for Olive bread. I've never baked a bread with yeast before, so I thought I would challenge myself today. It turned out okay. It was too flat which i think was because of the yeast not being stored properly. Better luck next time. Papa fed Aoife for the first time today. At first, he was reluctant to feed her because he was afraid of jabbing her with the spoon, but he bit the bullet and actually had fun doing it. Feeding a baby is a lot harder than one thinks. Tim managed to get her food all over her face, and at one point it splattered all around her chair. It was so much fun. I'm very skilled at feeding and found it funny to see Tim struggling with getting food in her mouth. Aoife got the hang of eating with daddy and made sure she opened her mouth very wide for him. Aoife loves bananas as you know, and we tried pears, but she hated the pears spitting them out all over the place. I tasted them, and they did seem a little acidic. The last thing on her list of first foods was rice cereal. She likes rice cereal a lot, but not as much as bananas. I feed her every other day, and she gets excited when she's fed. She makes "mmmm" noises and pouts her lips for more. Also when we were eating at the Thai temple today, she was making chomping movements with her mouth.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Anxious Bun

Dorrie came over on Wednesday to get "trained in" for looking after Aoife on Wednesday mornings. Tim spent the morning with her showing her what he does with her, and in the afternoon Dorrie spent a couple hours with me. Hopefully, Aoife will be good for Dorrie! We made some changes this weekend for Aoife. Sleeping in the bed wasn't working for us as well as I had hoped. Aoife tosses and turns like a fish out of water in the middle of the night and although I like it when she cuddles against me, she still kicks me a lot and kicks the covers off of us. So to remedy this, we moved the crib against our bed and took off the side of it so that it is flush with our bed. Aoife and I can still cuddle if we want, and we can still wake up together.Tim has been getting allergies this summer, so we went to Urban ore to get an air purifier. Whenever we need a car, we use city car share. City car share is a program where you hire a car for a couple of hours for errands for fairly cheap prices. I'm really glad that we live in a town where we do not need a car. We usually get the Prius which is a cool car to drive. We drove to Emeryville to get some other things, and I also went to Babies 'r us. I love the clothes in that store, but I hate all the plastic junk that they sell for babies. Most of it ends up in the landfill, and we are happy that we buy those types of things used. It's fun to go to Babies 'r us, and I bought a couple clothes for Aoife.

On Saturday, we went to a BBQ with some friends. Tim and I took the BART and then walked to the park. It was a beautiful day unfortunately Aoife was in the most horrid mood. I don't know what happened to her, but she cried the whole time we were there. She was so unhappy and scared. So, we left. I'm so worried about Aoife lately. It seems as if she feels very unsafe outside of her home, and I don't know why. It might have something to do with me being at work and not with her all the time, or she might be going through a developmental phase. I feel bad when she gets upset, and it makes life difficult for Tim and I when we need to get out of the house. Poor Aoife, I hope it's a phase.
Mama Mia came out this weekend, and I'm so excited to see it..why?..because it was filmed on location on the island of Skopelos in Greece that Tim and I visited a couple years ago. I knew they were making this movie over a year ago, and wished that I could have been there for the filming. I'm really interested in seeing the familiar places on big screen. Skopelos is the most beautiful place that I have visited in Europe. There really was something magical about being there, and I hope the movie captured that!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I gave Aoife some bananas today which she thoroughly enjoyed!
Here's the video of her second bite.
Every time she took a bite, she squealed with delight.
I guess she really wants to eat, so I'm going to start her on solids.
We'll just stick with bananas for now!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Snap Peas are yummy!

I'm so adorable

Aoife has been in a great mood all week. I think she has gotten used to having Tim take care of her. She also is used to me not being around her all the time. Aoife's head is very stable now, and she likes to stand when we hold her. She loves watching us eat. My favorite snack is raw snap peas. She loves watching me eat them and hearing snap noise when I bite into them. I gave her a snap pea to chew on and she seemed to like the idea of putting it in her mouth and sucking. In the "Baby Book" it says babies are not ready to eat until they are 6 months old, but to watch for cues if the baby is ready before then. Aoife is so interested in watching us eat that I think she'll be ready to start solids soon. In a couple weeks, I might try a finger tip of banana to see if she likes it. I'm excited to start feeding her solids; what an adventure!

I rode my bike to work all week, and I'm surprised at how much more fit I feel by the end of the week. It does seem to take a lot of my energy in the mornings and by Friday, I was so tired that I barely could stay awake. I really love riding my bike though. Aoife slept well all week. We are still keeping her in the bed with us. I've stopped wearing Aoife as much and have started taking her in the stroller more. I know she enjoys looking out at things, but I'm not sure that she really likes being separated from me. She gets spooked very easy. I went to Berkeley Bowl one day and a boy came up and made a face and she broke into a high pitched fear cry. I felt so bad for her. I've never heard this cry from her before; it broke my heart. On Saturday morning, Tim and I went to a garage sale. I decided to wear her and she really liked that. At the sale we bought a Garrison Keillor book, and "The Baby Book" by Sears. We've been loosely following the attachment parenting philosophy of Sears, and I'm glad I have the book as a reference. Afterwards we went to The Vault for breakfast. Aoife had fallen asleep in her sling sitting up sucking on my hand. It was really cute. She woke up after a while and she visited with another baby.
Tim said that looking after Aoife is getting easier for him. I'm glad to hear this, and Tim has become a more involved father over the past few weeks. Tim went to a resource center with Aoife to find out about day care for Aoife for when she is older. I still hate the idea of daycare, but Tim was saying that family daycare better way for us to go since it is small and cheap. I'm still very uncomfortable with the whole idea, but maybe when she's older, I'll feel different.
I went out with some of my friends on Saturday. I hadn't been with them for months so it was nice to get together with them again. We enjoyed the Indian food at The Indian Palace. It has been a while since I went to a decent Indian food place. I usually go for the cheap and quick Indian food. We had a good time catching up on things. Katie lives out of town now so I don't get to see her anymore. Hopefully Tim and I are going to go up to Humboldt again this summer to visit her.
Dorrie came for a quick visit after church today. She had just gotten back from visiting her family in Illinois. All of her brothers and sisters met up this so that was extra special. It sounds like they had a fun time catching up on things and reminiscing about their childhoods by looking at old photos. Dorrie agreed to look after Aoife on Wednesday mornings because Tim needs to be at work. She'll be coming by on Wednesday to do a trial run with Tim. Aoife was happy to see Dorrie today. She gave her a huge smile and enjoyed a song of the eency weency spider.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpas

Pope Aoife I anoints thee

We had a short week thanks to July 4th. But even more special were a couple of grandpa birthdays! Happy birthday Grandpa Steve and Grandpa Goose!

Aoife had a pretty difficult start of the week again. She just gets used to having us both around over the weekend, and when Monday rolls around, it becomes disruptive again. She was up Monday and Tuesday night every hour again. I felt so bad for her, I just couldn't figure out what was wrong. By the end of the week, I figured out that she wasn't getting enough milk. So, I had to increase my milk production which took a few days to kick in. Now my production is way up to satisfy her needs. Beginning on Thursday, she took on a new personality. All day she was good and not fussy. She had big smiles for us. This continued throughout the whole weekend. It's as if she suddenly decided that she loved us and life and everything it has to offer. It's so amazing to me to have this little person all of a sudden become happy. I guess we must be doing something right! Another thing we did this week, was put her back in the bed with us. She was lonely in her crib and would get very cold because she hates having a blanket on her; in fact she hates having her legs confined by most things. So instead she snuggles against my chest. She doesn't kick me anymore which is great. I also started to give her alcohol-free gripe water. At first she would spit it out, but then she enjoyed the taste and started to swallow it. It relieves her gas fast.

Now that I'm back at work, time seems to be zipping by and noticing the little developments that Aoife is having seems to be harder to detect. Some things I have noticed are that she is able to focus on things and grab them with her hands better. She also has started to explore my face with her hands. She pulls things close to her that she wants with her hands. She is fully aware of her feet as being hers, and she likes to stand up. She talks a lot more out loud; mostly they are vowel noises. She breathes faster when she gets excited and squeals sometimes. Sometimes her body becomes overactive and she flails all over the place finding it hard to settle down especially at night. She smiles a lot, but still has her frowny face. She can also lift her head pretty far. She squeals with delight when I sing the goodnight song and we say goodnight to things outside our window. She is also more patient and has a longer attention span for books. Below is one book I really enjoyed.

Transporting Aoife on the bus everyday is taking its toll on poor Aoife. It disrupts her day and I can't imagine that she enjoys it very much. On Tuesday, she was in a terrible mood and just bawled on the bus. I stayed calm with her, but realized that this is too stressful for her. So, I decided that maybe it's time to get a bike. My body is up for it; I think. My bike was stolen while I was pregnant, so I decided this time that I would buy myself a brand new bicycle. It's our only mode of transportation , so I wanted to invest in a good one. Tim and I spent the whole week going to bike shops. I am drawn to road bikes since ergonomically road bike are more comfortable for me, but I want to also be able to transport Aoife around when she is big enough to fit into a bike seat. After too much deliberation, I decided on the Specialized Vita. It's a beautiful ride. It weighs about 20lbs and is nimble as a road bike, but stable like a commuter bike. It is designed especially for women and fits like a glove. I love riding this bike. Some years down the road, I hope Tim and I can go trail riding again like we used to.