Aoife has been in a great mood all week. I think she has gotten used to having Tim take care of her. She also is used to me not being around her all the time. Aoife's head is very stable now, and she likes to stand when we hold her. She loves watching us eat. My favorite snack is raw snap peas. She loves watching me eat them and hearing snap noise when I bite into them. I gave her a snap pea to chew on and she seemed to like the idea of putting it in her mouth and sucking. In the "Baby Book" it says babies are not ready to eat until they are 6 months old, but to watch for cues if the baby is ready before then. Aoife is so interested in watching us eat that I think she'll be ready to start solids soon. In a couple weeks, I might try a finger tip of banana to see if she likes it. I'm excited to start feeding her solids; what an adventure!
I rode my bike to work all week, and I'm surprised at how much more fit I feel by the end of the week. It does seem to take a lot of my energy in the mornings and by Friday, I was so tired that I barely could stay awake. I really love riding my bike though. Aoife slept well all week. We are still keeping her in the bed with us. I've stopped wearing Aoife as much and have started taking her in the stroller more. I know she enjoys looking out at things, but I'm not sure that she really likes being separated from me. She gets spooked very easy. I went to Berkeley Bowl one day and a boy came up and made a face and she broke into a high pitched fear cry. I felt so bad for her. I've never heard this cry from her before; it broke my heart. On Saturday morning, Tim and I went to a garage sale. I decided to wear her and she really liked that. At the sale we bought a Garrison Keillor book, and "The Baby Book" by Sears. We've been loosely following the attachment parenting philosophy of Sears, and I'm glad I have the book as a reference. Afterwards we went to The Vault for breakfast. Aoife had fallen asleep in her sling sitting up sucking on my hand. It was really cute. She woke up after a while and she visited with another baby.

Tim said that looking after Aoife is getting easier for him. I'm glad to hear this, and Tim has become a more involved father over the past few weeks. Tim went to a resource center with Aoife to find out about day care for Aoife for when she is older. I still hate the idea of daycare, but Tim was saying that family daycare better way for us to go since it is small and cheap. I'm still very uncomfortable with the whole idea, but maybe when she's older, I'll feel different.

I went out with some of my friends on Saturday. I hadn't been with them for months so it was nice to get together with them again. We enjoyed the Indian food at The Indian Palace. It has been a while since I went to a decent Indian food place. I usually go for the cheap and quick Indian food. We had a good time catching up on things. Katie lives out of town now so I don't get to see her anymore. Hopefully Tim and I are going to go up to Humboldt again this summer to visit her.

Dorrie came for a quick visit after church today. She had just gotten back from visiting her family in Illinois. All of her brothers and sisters met up this so that was extra special. It sounds like they had a fun time catching up on things and reminiscing about their childhoods by looking at old photos. Dorrie agreed to look after Aoife on Wednesday mornings because Tim needs to be at work. She'll be coming by on Wednesday to do a trial run with Tim. Aoife was happy to see Dorrie today. She gave her a huge smile and enjoyed a song of the eency weency spider.
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