Aoife and I had a great week. She is really starting to come out of her shell now and is less afraid of the world. She is growing so fast right now; her legs are long and she's growing out of clothes fast. The good thing is that she's growing into the clothes that family have sent and is also growing into the knit clothes that both gramma's made! She looks fabulous in them.

Tim and I have been very tired this week. We are completely addicted to the Olympic games. I don't know why, but because we live on the west coast coverage starts at 9pm. The good stuff doesn't start until 10:30pm, so we're up until 1:30am most nights. It's really bad, but it's only once every four years! I'm pretty tired when I teach though. It was the end of the session at school, so a bunch of us teachers went out for some beer. Aoife came along and enjoyed the ride very much. She enjoys being held against my chest when I carry her, finally. She's starting to become a more cudd

ly baby. I do this thing where I lift her up in the air and rock her side to side until she comes down to my chest. She makes a huge smile and cuddles me when she lands. I really love it when she cuddles me. She is also standing very well with very little assistance from me. This completely astonishes me. She giggles when she stands and points her toes like a ballerina. While I hold her at her waist, she stands all by herself! Another thing she likes is when I put her pacifier in my mouth (not the nipple part) and put it in her mouth. She then takes it out of her mouth and puts it in mine. One thing that amazes Tim is how graceful she is able to grab things and touch them. He doesn't like the way she grabs his lips with her sharp finger nails and squeezes for dear life. She is really good at letting me cut her fingernails, but they are still very sharp!
Dorrie came over to look after Aoife again, but I think Aoife gave her a more difficult time this week. Dorrie took her for a walk and was commenting on how she thinks Aoife seems to be frustrated with her limited abilities wanting to do more than he

r body is allowing her. Poor thing! Dorrie brought us some cut lavender wrapped in a cream bow from a garden that she tends to. I love lavender; it reminds me of farming in Italy.
This weekend, we took Aoife to her first trip to San Francisco. I had not been to San Francisco in five months. First of all we went to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. I have to get my daughter into the art museums as early as possible! There was a famous exhibit on one of my favorite artists, Frida Kahlo. We got to SFMOMA and was told that there was a waiting list and we weren't able to go until another hour and a half later. So, Tim and I took off for Union square (where all the expensive shops are). It was

Korea's independence day, so there was a festival going on. I ate some food, and we listened to some drummers, and watched some dances. We then headed back to the museum, and on the way, Tim wanted to go to the apple store, but it was impossible to get into because there was a zombie march. I have no idea what the purpose of this march was. There must have been at least fifty zombies marching around San Francisco; there was even a zombie baby. Aoife could have joined the back with her zombie voice! It was so much fun. Anyways, we got to the exhibit and were allowed to cut in line to get ahead. It was amazing to see all of her work; she's truly an amazing and important woman artist of our time. Tim even had fun at the exhibit. We also took some time to see the Contemporary Chinese art exhibit which I also thoroughly enjoyed. Aoife fussed a little but she fell asleep in the moby wrap. We really enjoyed our day out, but we were glad to get away from the city and back to our peaceful neighborhood.
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