Dorrie invited us to brunch at her house today. Dave had not seen Aoife since she was a few weeks old. It was an exquisit lunch of french toast, melons, almond butter, apple sauce, sausage, potatoes, and for the grand desert, a tart cherry crumble. The meal was delicious and we also celebrated Tims birthday again.

It was Grammas second time at Dorrie's house, and the green thumb that she is she wanted a tour of Dorries garden. Dorrie has a very interesting back yard. She has a couple bee hives which she harvests honey from yearly. She gave us some a while back that was attacked by ants, but Tim managed to eat most of it before that had happened. She has a lot of herbs that she rescued and also an aloe plant nursery. Her front yard mostly contains native california plants.

After the tour of the garden, I opened up the piano for Aoife to explore. She LOVED the piano and new just what to do. She pounded on those notes like an old pro. I think we have a little musician on our hands. Aoife even inspired Dorrie to play a tune for us which Aoife gladly joined. She then played a tune on her recorder that Aoife liked. Then out came a handmade banjo belonging to Dave, and a thumb piano that were played together in a nightmarish melody that sent Tim into tears of laughter. It was a wonderful day.
Today was Gramma's last day, so for dinner we ordered some delicous Thai food and had some wine. We talked all night and went to bed early enough for Gramma to wake up for 4:30am!
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