Today, we went to a birthing ceremony for baby Will who is the son of one of the couples we had birthing classes with, Jennifer and Eric. Jennifer and Eric were so nice to us during birthing classes and would religiously offer us a rise home after the birthing classes where we would have wonderful conversations. The ceremony was beautiful. There were blessings from the Jewish side of the family and also blessing from the Northern California "new age" people that they have grown to love here. Will is surrounded by a
huge loving family of friends from all walks of life, and I sometimes feel bad that Aoife doesn't have that in her life right now. We also met up with other parents from our birthing class and Aoife got along really well with one of the boys, Ian. They loved touching each other and drooling over each other. Below is a sequence of pictures of the two of them playing. Poor Aoife got clobbered by him!!! It was so much fun to watch Aoife interact with another baby. She has become so social now, and just loves being with other babies.

When we started to leave, we noticed that both babies left a trail of drool on the floor!
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