Aoife went for her "6 month" check up today at Kiwi. I picked her up from Maria's and we strolled through the rain to the office. I was excited to find out how much she weighs now and how long she is. After I got her undressed, she peed right on the table! I felt a little embarrassed, but the nurse cleaned it up quickly enough for me. Aoife now weighs 17lbs and 1 oz! That's three more pounds than last time. She now is 27.5 inches long which is one and a half inches longer. So, her weight has actually caught up with her height and she is an average size for a boy her age and very large for a girl! It took us a long time to see the doctor but Aoife kept herself busy with books and with looking around. The doctor said she is in great health just a little too much wax in the ears, but that's actually not a bad thing for her. The doctor said she was a very curious baby compared to other....which on one hand right now makes me feel good, but maybe I'll be feeling differently when she's crawling around. The nurse came in after the doctor and gave Aoife her shots. Aoife did NOT like that one bit. Her cry was of shock and dismay which broke my heart, but she got over it pretty fast. Aoife fell asleep in her carrier on the way home.
First blog post
8 years ago
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