Typical day:
Wake up together
daddy makes breakfast (oatmeal with milk/yogurt/banana)
mom gets dressed
Light a candle (sometimes put on music)
sit as a family for a while while eating/drinking
dad clears table/ get's ready
mom cleans Aoife/ changes diaper/ get's her dressed
Aoife plays/ mom and dad chat for a while
Mom goes to work/ Aoife and dad go to daycare/ dad goes to work
Mom picks up Aoife
Aoife and mom take a walk in the garden
Aoife waters moms container garden
mom gets Aoife a drink and makes her dinner
Aoife eats dinner (light a candle)
mom and Aoife have play time
mom gets things ready for dinner
dad comes home
dad plays with Aoife while mom cooks
mom and dad have dinner
Aoife joins or plays alone
family time
clean up time
Aoifes bed time
Dad cleans while mom puts Aoife to bed.
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