Aoife on the Potty
Aoife and I are no longer sick. I decided that it was time to feed
Aoife more food; twice a day. She seems to be hungry all the time and the milk just isn't cutting it for her. So now I make her banana rice cereal. I mash up the bananas and mix up the rice cereal. then, I combine the mixtures and heat them up. She LOVES to eat. She is now able to sit in her high chair. On Saturday, Tim made pancakes and all three of us had our breakfast together. We pulled
Aoife's chair over to the table with us, and I fed her a few times while Tim and I ate the blueberry pancakes up. It was a momentous occasion that filled us with love. Eating together as a family is such a comforting experience and one we hope
Aoife will enjoy with us every single day of her childhood.
Aoife is sitting up with more strength this week and for longer periods of time. She has also found her tongue. There were a couple of days where she kept her tongue hanging out most of the time. It was so cute. She doesn't seem to use it for anything; she just lets it hang out and wiggles it around. Maybe it grew last week.
Aoife also enjoys bath-time a lot more now. I had to take off the infant sling because she is way too big for it now. She can now sit up in her tub all by herself. She loves to splash and kick and doesn't even mind it when water gets into her eyes. She splashes and looks at me with a huge smile. She has a little
hipppo bath toy that she loves to try and catch, but it's too difficult because it's so slippery. Potty training stopped while she was sick, but now I'm doing it again. She really loves not being in a diaper, and I really enjoy doing this with her. We have had many mistakes, but we're getting the hang of it. I have her timed pretty well as to when she needs to go, and she also goes when I cue her. I'm glad the weather is nice here; otherwise, I don't think I could stick with it.

Dorrie came by again and had a good time with
Aoife playing all sorts of games with her. I enjoyed talking to Dorrie afterwards about her experience at the Interplay retreat. She also talked about slow food nation which she attended on Labor day. I'm taking off a month in a week so Dorrie will not have to care for
Aoife. I'm sure
Aoife will miss her so
hopefully we can do things with Dorrie.
Tims mom is coming in a couple of weeks which we're so excited for. It's always fun when
Gramma comes to visit.
Aoife is at a fun age right now to be around.

Last weekend, we went to a BBQ with
Tim's co-workers. It was lovely to get out of the city and into nature again.
Aoife was pretty good. She's a shy little baby and would get upset when too many people were paying attention to her, so I'd have to take her away for some quiet time. The one thing that she loved at the picnic was a dog named Foster. She watched him for a long time playing with a
Frisbee. She laughed and giggled and
just couldn't take her eyes off of him. I think we have an animal lover in our